Every Wednesday at 7-8 pm online Zoom meeting (starting 1st May)

This group intends to encourage regular practice and to support the members in their wellbeing journey using mindfulness meditation. Absolute beginners and experts too are welcome to join and practice together. This will hopefully develop over time and be a source of encouragement and support. In this free online session, we will have time for a quick introduction into the session, around 25 minutes for meditation, followed by discussion and listening or just sitting.

NHS – ‘ As well as practicing mindfulness in daily life, it can be helpful to set aside time for a more formal mindfulness practice. Mindfulness meditation involves sitting silently and paying attention to thoughts, sounds, the sensations of breathing or parts of the body, bringing your attention back whenever the mind starts to wander.’

To gain access to the group and recieve the link to Zoom please register your interest.
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For those who would like more than this weekly session, there is also a Facebook Group if you would like to join and share mindfulness insight, offerings, and questions.